This Is Why I Make Benzo Videos…
If I’m being honest, I’ll sometimes wonder if what I’m doing is really helping, or not. I suppose that it’s human nature to judge our efforts by the results we can tangibly measure and see with our senses. I would like to tell you that I simply stand on my unwavering principle of just being helpful and useful; whether or not I find evidence of people’s lives changing for the better. However, I am prone to human doubts and sometimes feel like I could use some reassurance. This past week, I was given a tremendous gift. Someone who I’ve had the honor of speaking with sent me a message that shifted my perception of the work that I began over a year ago, and it hit me right between the eyes. It reminded me where I was at 8 years ago, how far I’ve come, and most importantly- why I decided to go public with my story. Although I share many personal life stories in my videos, it’s not meant to be about ME. It’s about YOU and what you’re experiencing on this road of healing. I share my life today in hopes that someone will identify with the same feelings I’ve struggled with, the same horrible symptoms, and the same fears that I’ve had. My deepest desire is that once you’ve heard me speak about the depths of psych drug hell I was in, that you’ll come away with a new-found sense of hope and acceptance about your own journey towards wholeness.
So, I want to share with you(with the permission of the individual who sent me this message) something I received a few days ago. I also would like to mention that am not solely taking credit for this person’s turnaround or healing, as I’m certain that they have put forth incredible willingness and effort. I simply wanted to share this wonderful story because it brightened my day, and I hope it brightens yours, as well.
Hi Dan,
Today is 1 year off of benzos. September 7th, 2022 I had been released from a 5-day stay in an ICU after a failed 8-day rapid taper in a professional detox. I’ve been through a mind-bending hell, and back. Seizures, suicidal thoughts, you name it.
September 7th, 2023. Today, I interviewed for a new job. Last month, I moved to a new home. Today, I ran 7 miles, the most I’ve ran in 10 years. Next week, I pick up an engagement ring and plan on purposing to my girlfriend in the coming weeks. I look and feel the best I have in a long, long time. I’m happier and clearer than I was even before I entered a crippling drug addiction 8 years ago.
In December of 2022, I was filled with panic and despair. I was hopeless that healing was possible. Waves of very intense and elaborate suicidal ideation came. I then stumbled on something that officially created a light at the end of the tunnel in my healing journey. That something was your YouTube page.
Today, I’m still in that tunnel, but I am filled with the light that shines nearby at the end.
Thank you, Dan, for saving my life.