Move Beyond Benzos And Psych Drugs
Wherever you are on your healing journey, your story is not over.
My story
In 2015, after being prescribed a potent cocktail of psychiatric drugs for over 17 years, I was rapidly tapered in a drug treatment facility in South Florida. The effect of being taken off so abruptly sent me into full-on psychosis and caused me to be hospitalized twice. Psychiatric drugs, especially benzodiazepines, should never be suddenly discontinued and the damage done by these drugs often requires many months, or even years of recovery. Thankfully, I’m very grateful to have survived and my mission now is to help pull others up from the depths of psych drug damage, into a new life of hope, joy, and healthy living.

“Psych drug withdrawal, though sometimes terrifying and painful, can be an opening into a new life of greater presence, deeper joy, and freedom to truly live life.”
— Dan Landauer(Philosophical Fishing)